Hip Flexibility Exercise- Kneeling Lunge

Hip Flexibility Exercise- Kneeling Lunge

You may need some trial and error to find the perfect position for this stretch.The best front foot positioning happens when your shin is upright when you lean forward, rather than being angled down or back.Keep your hips square and your upper body tall, and...
Putting makes or breaks your golf score !

Putting makes or breaks your golf score !

Putting makes or breaks your golf score;  here’s a simple drill on how to get your putter face square at impact to get good, solid putts.THE GATE DRILL -Step 1- Find a flat spot on the green and place two tees at a distance of 5 inches (or just far enough for...
My Passport to Golf by Hamoni Golf

My Passport to Golf by Hamoni Golf

Hamoni Golf presents ‘My Passport to Golf’ – Our mission has always been to spread awareness for the game we love and to ensure that many learn the game and partake in its joy. This passport sized notebook is another effort in that direction, and it...
2 New HGC Card Designs!

2 New HGC Card Designs!

Make it a cooler summer with our 2 NEW card designs! Top em’ up & gift them to your Friends & Family TODAY!  You can also exchange your existing HGC card for one of our new designs for JUST Rs. 100!* *All T&C related to HGC Cards remain...