Star Wars Day: The Jedi Golfer

Star Wars Day: The Jedi Golfer

Episode I: The Jedi Golfer Learn the ways of the Force and become a powerful Jedi Golfer, only at Hamoni Golf Camp! We employ various tools and techniques for teaching golf, including some ancient and powerful ones from a galaxy far, far away! Master the Jedi Arts...
Revised Karma Lakelands Golf Round Packs at HGC

Revised Karma Lakelands Golf Round Packs at HGC

We’ve made our Karma Golf Packs a WHOLE LOT simpler with great savings and a flat 180 Day validity period for ALL PACKS! Check them out at HGC Front Desk or call +91-9643151511 for more details. For FAQs on how the Packs work, see our previous blog post HERE....