Our Apr15 Hamoni Ace Ranger!

Our Apr15 Hamoni Ace Ranger!

Congratulations Yoko Higuchi, our ‪Apr15‬ ‪‎Hamoni‬ ‪‎Ace Ranger‬, with 37 bags‬‪ (1850 balls‬)! Although it was a tie at 37 bags between Yoko and Kumar Binit (‪Jan15 ‬Ace Ranger), Yoko managed the feat with fewer practice days and hence takes the title for Apr15!...
Hamoni Golf Camp Turns 1! Thank You!

Hamoni Golf Camp Turns 1! Thank You!

Hamoni Golf Camp recently turned 1 and we would like to say ‪THANK YOU‬ to all of you for your support & patronage! We look to the future as we encourage more & more people to experience and play the beautiful game of golf!

3 Month Master Pass at JUST Rs. 7900!

Our crazy Master Pass deal is back for the summer! 3 Month (90 Days) Master Pass for JUST Rs. 7900/- starting Saturday 4Apr15! ONLY 30 Passes are available for a limited period, after which the 3 Month Master Pass option will NOT be available for purchase! So HURRY...